PeopleSoft Create Chart Graph Tutorial Example Part 5

We are in Part 5 of this tutorial series, that explains how to create a chart in PeopleCode using the Chart API Class. We saw how to create a chart control using Application Designer in Part 1. We also discussed how to write PeopleCode to render a beautiful chart on the page in Part 2. In Part 3 we discussed all the possible chart types in PeopleSoft ranging from 2D to 3D. Examples of all the charts created through PeopleCode were provided in the same part. Part 4 of the series provided some advanced chart options like gridlines and legends. In this post we will discuss how to colour your charts. We will show how to apply beautiful and cool looking colours to your PeopleSoft chart. You can refer to the related post section below if you are keen in previous parts.

You can use the delivered “setcolor” method to create colourful charts through PeopleCode. You will have to pass an array of colour values to this method and this method is invoked using the chart object you saw in Part 2. Here are some colourful charts created through PeopleCode

Create Charts with Multiple Colours
Create Charts with Different Colours
Create Colorful Charts Through PeopleCode
Example of ColourFul Charts PeopleCode
PeopleSoft provides the following colour options and you can combine them in any order to provide the desired chart colour you are after; Refer to the table below
Colour Value System Variable Description
-1 %ChartColor_Series_Default Default Color Series
0 %ChartColor_Black Black
1 %ChartColor_Blue Blue
2 %ChartColor_Cyan Cyan
3 %ChartColor_DarkGray DarkGray
4 %ChartColor_Gray Gray
5 %ChartColor_Green Green
6 %ChartColor_LightGray Light Gray
7 %ChartColor_Magenta Magenta
8 %ChartColor_Orange Orange
9 %ChartColor_Pink Pink
10 %ChartColor_Red Red
11 %ChartColor_White White
12 %ChartColor_Yellow Yellow
13 %ChartColor_Red_Orange Red Orange
14 %ChartColor_Yellow_Green Yellow Green
15 %ChartColor_Blue_Violet Blue Violet
16 %ChartColor_Purple Purple
17 %ChartColor_Yellow_Orange Yellow Orange

You can also rotate a 3D chart (not a 2D) by setting the rotatingangle property for a chart. I tried rotating a 3D bar chart to 180, 270 and 300 degrees and in each of the cases the output obtained is shown below. Note that you can rotate the chart to any angle between 0 and 360 degrees. Further, specifying this property against a chart of type 2D does not throw any error at runtime. It is simply discarded by PeopleSoft. Examples of rotated charts are provided below

PeopleSoft Chart Rotated to an Angle of 300
Chart Rotated to 300 degrees
PeopleSoft Chart Rotated to an Angle of 270
3D Chart Rotated to 270 degrees
PeopleCode Chart Rotated to an Angle of 180
3D Chart Rotation angle of 180 degrees
As you can see above, rotating your chart can make it look ugly. So, choose your rotation angle carefully. More to follow..

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