PeopleSoft Performance Testing Using JMeter - Part 5

The final part of this series helps us to understand the way the input information can be parametrized in JMeter. We will list a way to feed dynamic values to the input field and test our results. If you are landing on the page straight from the internet, make sure that you check the related references below for Part 1 to Part 4.

For our example, we will attempt to read dynamic values for our field from a CSV file. To do this, right click on the thread group in JMeter and add a “CSV Data Set Config Element”. This element needs to be configured as shown below:

CSV Data Set Configuration to read values from a CSV file
The CSV file needs to be placed in the same directory where the project resides.  If JMeter cannot find  the CSV file at runtime following exception would be logged in the “bin” folder;

2010/xx/xx 14:15:40 WARN  - jmeter.config.CSVDataSet: Empty delimiter converted to ','
2010/xx/xx 14:15:40 ERROR - jmeter.config.CSVDataSet: (The system cannot find the file specified)

For our example, the dynamic variable is “userid” which will be read from column 1 of the CSV file.Now, this variable needs to be fed into the request that is adding this on the page. This can be located under the thread group. The type will be a ‘HTTP Request’. A sample screen is presented below

Before Parametrization in JMeter - Initial Setup
The value “123” which is static, needs to be parametrized to read from the CSV files created earlier. To do so, change the value to the variable name as shown in the screenshot below

After Parametrization in JMeter - PeopleSoft Field Modified to Pick Dynamic Values
After this is done, run the scenario by selecting “Run -> Start”. I had 10 values inside the CSV file and it was properly parametrized and dynamic data got inserted into the table.It is possible to parametrize multiple input parameters by following the same option.

That completes a simple parametrization procedure. In the upcoming posts, let us see more complicated examples in PeopleSoft especially around adding dynamic values in a Grid and Scroll Area.

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