Explorer.exe crashes on right mouse click

Quite strange..haven't noted this for so long..suddenly I had the following problems on my office PC..

1) Right mouse click on 'files' was not working..
2) Ctrl C on any 'files' was not working..
3) Ctrl V on any 'files' was not working
4) Shift + del on a file was not working..

Moreover, when I try to do that, explorer.exe crashes and complete PC will get into a frozen state..Tried uninstalling some suspicious program..no luck..Also tried freeing up some memory by terminating some services..same problem..whenever I tried doing any of the actions mentioned above, it resulted in 100% CPU utilization and no result..rebooting did not help as well..

However, I was able to delete the file in COMMAND.COM (he he DOS)..somehow, I figured out the problem was around the right mouse click actions and something is really stopping that..

Is that a spyware or a Virus? What could it be? Any other impacts other than these 4? Where should I make my first step in getting rid of it and restore my PC?

Without even wasting a minute, I download the following software..ShellExView..Now, for all those who do not know about this..Here is a short description

"Shell Extensions are in-process COM objects which extends the abilities of Windows operating system. Most shell extensions are automatically installed by the operating system, but there are also many other applications that install additional shell extension components. For example: If you install WinZip on your computer, you'll see a special WinZip menu when you right-click on a Zip file. This menu is created by adding a shell extension to the system. "

Now, this shellExView would display all the extensions loaded onto my computer and I can disable / enable it on the fly. I installed the software and as soon as I launched it, I got a list of extensions loaded inside a window..

The best part is that the software categorizes and highlights non-microsoft extensions. From here on, we need to selectively disable the extensions one by one and then repeat the 4 tasks..I did on these lines and alas..found the extension that was creating problem for me..I disabled it and everything started working fine :)..No virus and no spyware...Thank you, ShellExView..

You can grab the software from this link..

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