HSC +2 Chemistry f Block elements - CC1- Chapter Wise Questions

Questions 67-80 are from f Block elements chapter of chemistry. Post your answers to these questions in the comments section. For all other chapter wise questions, refer to the related post section below.
67) The electronic configuration of Lanthanides is:

a) $ [Xe]4f^{0}5d^{0}6s^{0} $

b) $ [Xe]4f^{1-7}5d^{1}6s^{1} $

c) $ [Xe]4f^{1-14}5d^{1}6s^{2} $

d) $ [Xe]4f^{1-14}5d^{1-10}6s^{2} $

68) The electronic configuration of Actinides is:

a) $ [Rn]5f^{0-14}6d^{0}7s^{0} $

b) $ [Rn]5f^{0-14}6d^{0-2}7s^{0} $

c) $ [Rn]5f^{0-14}6d^{0-2}7s^{1} $

d) $ [Rn]5f^{0-14}6d^{0-2}7s^{2} $

69) The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that:

a) Zn and Y have about the same radius

b) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state

c) Zr and Hf have about the same radius

d) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state

70) The most common oxidation state of lanthanides is:

a) +2

b) +1

c) +3

d) +4

71) Lanthanides are extracted from:

a) Limonite

b) Monazite

c) Magnetite

d) Cassiterite

72) The elements in which the extra electron enters (n-2)f orbitals are called:

a) s-block elements

b) p-block elements

c) d-block elements

d) f-block elements

73) The lanthanide contraction is due to:

a) perfect shielding of 4f electron

b) imperfect shielding of 4f electron

c) perfect shielding of 3d electron

d) imperfect shielding of 3d electron

74) Ceria is used in:

a) toys

b) tracer bullets

c) gas lamp materials

d) none of the above

75) ……………. is used in gas lamp material:

a) $ MnO_{2} $

b) $ CeO_{2} $

c) $ N_{2}O_{5} $

d) $ Fe_{2}O_{3} $

76) Alloys of Lanthanides are called as:

a) Mish-metals

b) Metalloids

c) Plate metals

d) Actinides

77) Metallothermic processes involving Lanthanides are called as:

a) Aluminothermic process

b) Lanthanido-thermic process

c) Reduction process

d) Oxidation process

78) ………. form oxocations:

a) Lanthanides

b) Actinides

c) Noble gases

d) Alkali metals

79) Maximum oxidation state exhibited by Lanthanides is:

a) +1

b) +2

c) +3

d) +4

80) Lanthanides are separated by:

a) Fractional distillation

b) Steam distillation

c) Fractional crystallization

d) Sublimation

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