11) The value of C-C distance found experimentally in a saturated hydrocarbon is: a) $ 1.34 \; \AA $ b) $ 1.36 \; \AA $ c) $ 1.54 \; \AA $ d) $ 1.56 \; \AA $ 12) On moving down the group, the radius of an ion: a) Decreases b) Increases c) No change d) None of these 13) Effective nuclear charge $ Z^{+}_{-} $ can be calculated by using the formula: a) $ Z^{+}=Z-S $ b) $ Z^{+}=Z+S $ c) $ Z^{+}=S-Z $ d) $ Z=Z^{+}-S $ 14) Pick the correct statement: a) Carbon having more nuclear charge than Boron b) The size of Carbon atoms is larger than Boron c) Carbon forms electron deficient compounds d) Carbon forms ionic compounds 15) Comparing the ionization energy of Fluorine with Carbon, Fluorine has: a) higher ionization energy b) lower ionization energy c) same ionization energy d) none of those 16) Among the following which has the maximum ionization energy: a) Alkali elements b) Alkaline elements c) Halogens d) Noble gases 17) The electron affinity of an atom: a) directly proportional to its size b) inversely proportional to its size c) is independent of its size d) none of these 18) Among the following which has higher electron affinity value: a) Fluorine b) Chlorine c) Bromine d) Iodine 19) The scale which is based on an empirical relation between the energy of a bond and the electro-negativities of bonded atoms is: a) Pauling scale b) Mulliken’s scale c) Sanderson’s scale d) Alfred and Rochow’s scale 20) Electron affinity is expressed in: a) kJ b) J c) kJ mol d) $ kJ \; mol^{-1} $ 21) The bond length of $ CI_{2} $ molecule is: a) 0.74 b) 1.44 c) 1.98 d) 2.28 22) The order of ionization energy: a) s<p<d<f b) s>p>d>f c) s>d>p>f d) s<d<p<f 23) Across the period, electron affinity: a) decreases b) increases c) decreases and the increases d) increase and then decreases 24) Noble gases have …………….. electron affinity: a) High b) Low c) Zero d) Very low 25) When $ X_{A}>>X_{B}, \; A-B $ bond is: a) polar covalent b) non-polar covalent c) Ionic d) metallic
HSC +2 Chemistry Chapter Wise Questions - CC1- Periodic Classification
In this Chapter Wise Question series, we present some one mark questions on "Periodic Classification" chapter. Questions from 11-26 are from this chapter. For other chapters, refer to the related post section below.
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